Technology Stack

Our web3 gaming application leverages a robust and cutting-edge technology stack to deliver a seamless and decentralized gaming experience. This section provides an overview of the key technologies and components that power our platform:

Blockchain Infrastructure

Ethereum: We have chosen the Ethereum blockchain as the foundation of our web3 gaming application. Ethereum’s robust and widely adopted smart contract platform allows us to create trustless and transparent gaming experiences.

Smart Contracts: Our gaming logic is implemented through Ethereum smart contracts, which enable secure and automated execution of game rules, asset ownership, and transactions. These smart contracts are open-source and audited for security.

Decentralized Storage

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System): To store game assets, metadata, and user-generated content in a decentralized and censorship-resistant manner, we utilize IPFS. This ensures that game assets remain accessible and immutable.

Off-Chain Scaling Solutions

Layer-2 Scaling: We recognize the importance of scalability for a smooth gaming experience. To address this, we are implementing Layer-2 scaling solutions such as state channels and sidechains. These solutions reduce transaction costs and latency, allowing for faster gameplay and interactions. We are currently prioritizing EVM-based Layer-2 (L2) solutions like Arbitrum; nevertheless, we are also planning for a multi-L2 approach.

User Authentication and Identity

Wallet Integration: Users interact with our web3 gaming application through their Ethereum-compatible wallets, providing secure and user-controlled access to their in-game assets and identity.

Decentralized Identity (DID): We are exploring DID solutions to enhance user privacy and security, allowing players to have control over their gaming identities and interactions.

Cryptocurrency Integration

Native Token: Our gaming ecosystem includes a native membership token that serves various purposes, including universal ranking, games history, governance, and rewards. This token is ERC-721 compliant and can be traded on decentralized exchanges.

Oracles: To access real-world data and external information for in-game events and rewards, we integrate with trusted decentralized oracles to ensure fairness and transparency.

Cross-Platform Compatibility

Web3 Integration: Our web3 gaming application is designed to be accessible across various platforms and devices, including web browsers, mobile devices, and desktop applications. Users can seamlessly switch between platforms while retaining their in-game progress.

n our commitment to fostering a robust and transparent web3 chess gaming ecosystem, we recognize the importance of user interface customization. Web3 applications offer a unique advantage—the ability to interact through a variety of interfaces, allowing users to choose the experience that suits them best.

Any Interface of Choice

Our web3 chess platform is designed with openness and flexibility in mind. While we provide a user-friendly default interface, we extend an invitation to third-party developers, chess enthusiasts, and creative minds to develop their own chess playing interfaces that can seamlessly connect with our platform.

Empowering Developers

By opening up the user interface customization, we empower developers to contribute to the growth and diversification of the chess gaming experience within our web3 ecosystem. Whether it’s a unique 3D chessboard, a minimalist interface, or even an interface tailored for accessibility, the possibilities are endless.

Advantages of Customization

  1. Diverse Experiences: Users benefit from a variety of chess playing interfaces, each offering a unique look and feel. This diversity enhances the overall gaming experience and caters to individual preferences.
  2. Innovation: Third-party developers can introduce innovative features, visual styles, and gameplay enhancements, fostering creativity and innovation within the chess gaming community.
  3. Robustness: With multiple interfaces available, our web3 chess platform becomes more resilient. If one interface encounters issues or downtime, users can seamlessly switch to an alternative, ensuring uninterrupted gameplay.
  4. Transparency: User interface customization aligns with the transparency ethos of web3 technology. Users can inspect and verify the code of third-party interfaces, enhancing trust and security.


To facilitate the development of custom interfaces, we provide well-documented APIs and developer resources. These resources enable third-party developers to integrate their chess interfaces with our web3 platform while ensuring compatibility and smooth interactions.

Security Measures

Audits and Penetration Testing: We prioritize the security of our users and their assets. Our smart contracts and platform undergo regular security audits and penetration testing by reputable third-party firms to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities.

Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Users have the option to enhance the security of their accounts by enabling two-factor authentication for wallet access and account management.

Our technology stack is continuously evolving, and we remain committed to staying at the forefront of web3 gaming innovations. By leveraging these technologies, we ensure that our users have a secure, transparent, and immersive gaming experience within our decentralized gaming ecosystem.