CH3SS v0.8.2-beta Demo has just been released!!!

We are proudly announcing that CH3SS v0.8.2-beta has been released.

How to play

  • To try the demo, you need a table address that should have been sent to you.
  • Copy and paste the table address in the designated box and press connect.
  • Move for the both sides regarding the turn.

What’s happening under the hood?

Demo v0.8 is a intermediary product of the CH3SS project that allows users to play chess and test the implemented logic on ethereum replica, Ganache. In the figure below you can see the stack for Demo v0.8. In practice, each side should sign the transaction for the moves, however, to ease the testing, we are using two predefined addresses, whiteAddress and blackAddress that do the job. It is worth mentioning that the whole stack is currently deployed on a pilot VPS with 6GB of RAM. In future releases, we will address the latency issues that might be affecting the testing experience.

What’s next?

There are a few remaining features to fully finish the implementation of the chess game validator (engine *):
  • A few known bugs in checkmate.
  • Dead positions, fifty-move rule, resign and draw.
  • Final Optimization and Security audit.
  • Packing and releasing the API
Stay tuned for our next Demo, CH3SS v0.9.0 where you will be able to play chess with an opponent on Ethereum Testnet.